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9 effective maintenance methods of auto parts

Author: Date:2017-5-22 9:54:45 Hits:

Accessories very carefully, when the choose and buy a lot of owners, but easy to forget after installation accessories and maintenance, so that the increase in car driving journey, under the condition of accessories are very susceptible to wear and use time is shortened. The following are your precautions for the maintenance of the nine parts, for the reference only.

Maintenance tip 1: avoid washing

The paper air filter for engine can not be cleaned with any oil. For leather parts, it is also inappropriate to wash with oil. Maintenance tip 2: avoid oil

The engine dry air filter paper filter, such as the oil liquid, makes the mixture of the high concentration of the air in the cylinder, the air quantity is low, the oil consumption increases, the engine power decreases. If the triangle tape is stained with oil, it will accelerate its corrosion. Brake shoe plate, dry clutch friction plate, brake belt and other fluid, can threaten the safety of driving. Maintenance tip 3: avoid heat

Engine piston temperature is too high, easy to cause overheating to melt and occur; Rubber seal, triangle tape, tires and other overheating, easy premature aging, performance degradation, shorten service life; The coils of electrical equipment such as engine, generator, regulator and so on are overheating and can easily be destroyed.

Maintenance tip 4: avoid pressure

If the tire is stored in a long time and does not turn in time, it will deform due to extrusion. The paper filter element of air filter and fuel filter is extruded, but can not be reliable. Rubber oil seals, triangular tape, tubing and so on can not be squeezed.

Maintenance tip 5: avoid dirty

The oil filter, oil filter, air filter, hydraulic oil filter and all kinds of filter and other parts, if dirty, can lead to poor filtration. The radiator fin, air cooled engine cylinder block and cylinder cover radiator fin, cooler radiator fin and other parts dirty, can lead to the heat dissipation, the temperature is too high.

Maintenance tip 6: avoid the counter

The engine cylinder pad can not be installed in the installation, otherwise it will lead to premature ablation of the cylinder pad. Engine fan blade installation must not be reversed; For tyres with directional pattern, people's typeface tires, the surface of the ground should be pointed at the back after installation.

Maintenance tip 7: avoid repetition

Some parts should be used at once, and individual drivers or repairmen have to use them in order to save or not understand taboos, which can easily lead to accidents.

Tip 8: avoid fire

Rubber products such as tire, triangle tape, cylinder liner, rubber oil seal and other rubber products, if close to the source of fire, will easily deteriorate or damage, and on the other hand can cause fire accidents.

Maintenance tip 9: avoid

Engine valve door locks, should be installed in pairs, such as leak or missing will cause the valve to get out of control and smash the piston and so on; Engine connecting rod bolt, flywheel bolts, shaft bolt is installed on the split pin, lock screw, locking devices such as insurance or trampoline, once the packing, may lead to serious failure in use.

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